You will be assigned cases by the senior resident based on your experience and ability. You will have supervised responsibility for the care of your patient, allowing you the first go at making diagnoses, placing orders and monitoring response to treatment. Be sure to review your level of responsibility with the senior resident, since some decisions will be made as a team. If there is ever a question, seniors will welcome your question or call for support in any decision. In fact, knowing your limits is one part of evaluation.
Direct observation of your skills is part of our learning culture. Your attending or senior may ask you to perform some of the tasks of admitting or discharging or patient interaction while they are present in order to let you develop your own skills. Afterwards, they will offer you focused feedback to help you move towards competency in your skills. This low stakes way of learning is part of our strategy to make you competent.
Evaluations are requested and stored in our resident evaluation system.